Food for the Fourth - New Orleans Health Coach
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Food for the Fourth

Many of us try to follow a healthy, nutrient dense diet. That is, we try to eat well for health, and attain a healthy weight. But holiday gatherings can be our downfall.

How can you go to a Fourth of July picnic and still eat well?

I agree it’s difficult. I struggle all the time at social situations. I don’t want to call attention to the fact that I don’t want to eat the food my hosts are offering. And I give in to temptations way too often. But here are some ideas to make your gathering a little more fun and easy.

Hamburgers. Your best bet is grass fed and organic ground beef, but that may not be offered. The nutrients in beef are very bioavailable so even conventional beef can have benefits. Skip the bun because there is very little about conventional wheat products that is good for you.

Hot dogs. I have actually seen in Walmart natural, nitrite free franks. They exist! So those are a good idea. Otherwise, I probably would skip the dogs. Too many dyes and chemicals.

Ketchup or mustard. Mustard, yes, but ketchup, minimize, as it’s full of sugar and MSG, a neurotoxin. A really good topping is homemade sauerkraut.

Beans. Many people tolerate beans well. The other day I had some black beans with sour cream and seasonings and I loved them. However, canned beans can be full of sugar and BPA from the can. Beans in chili might be an option. Maybe make a bean dish yourself and bring it–soak the beans before cooking for best results.

Skewers. If there will be grilling at your party, maybe bring skewers. There are so many healthy options that are appealing to everyone. For example, try chicken, bell pepper, onion, and tomatoes. Or try a “salad on a stick” skewer which means skewering a tomato, some mozzarella, and basil, marinated in salad dressing.

Salads. Yes! Always a good choice. Salad dressings are usually made with inflammatory ingredients like canola oil, sugar, and additives, but I find that eating a salad can be worth it (though you should make your own dressing when you can). Coleslaw and fruit salads are great.

Chips, cookies, cakes, ice cream, pies. No. So sorry. Avoid these. If you really can’t resist, try a bite of fruit pie. You’ll be getting something good (the fruit) with the bad. And if you can’t resist the other treats, eat them after your meal, not between meals, so you won’t spike your blood sugar.

Drinks. Water is best, but since you may crave a flavor, consider adding a lemon or cucumber slice. Fizzy water is good too and you can buy flavored fizzy water–that’s my go to. Green tea is great for health, and black tea is almost as good. Red wine can have heart healthy benefits. Beer is very high in carbs and really does go straight to your waist. Have you heard of beer belly? Liquor mixed with something unsweetened is a better choice, though no alcohol is best of all. If you do drink, alternate with water for hydration, and keep it moderate.

Self-control. One of my secret weapons to enhance my self-control is to eat something before i go to the gathering. If it’s early, I like to have a high fat coffee with butter and MCT oil, collagen, and maybe some cinnamon and turmeric. This keeps me feeling satisfied and not desperate to grab the first bag of chips I see. For an event later in the day, I might have a bowl of vegetable soup before I leave home. This helps me get some good nutrients, no matter what is served.

Bring a dish. Offer to be a good guest and bring something that you make yourself, that’s checks all the boxes of good, nutritious food, free from additives, chemicals, and processing. Then you will have something you can fill up on, and minimize the less acceptable dishes.

No guilt. Even if I eat what probably won’t support my health, I don’t feel guilt. I know when I get home I will get back to a more optimal diet. And guilt will not help me achieve health. Guilt means the release of cortisol, which can impair health and cause weight gain. Who needs that. Just do what you can and move on. At the same time, I know that social ties and happy times support good health.

I have plenty good ideas for making healthy habits a part of your lifestyle. I will get to know your likes, dislikes, goals, values, and strengths. From there we can find hacks that resonate with you. I’ve struggled myself, for health and to lose weight. So I know what you’re going through. I can be there for you. I’m a National Board Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach. Contact me.


What do you eat when at a party or picnic? Tell us in the Comments.


Chris Kresser Red Meat

Green Smoothie Girl Neurotoxins

Walmart Franks

Dr. Axe Canola Oil

CNN BPA in Canned Food


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